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Interface FiltersPayload




Optional channelMix

channelMix?: ChannelMix

Mixes both channels (left and right), with a configurable factor on how much each channel affects the other

Optional distortion

distortion?: Distortion

Distortion effect. It can generate some pretty unique audio effects

Optional equalizer

equalizer?: Equalizer[]

The equalizer filters


guildId: string

Optional karaoke

karaoke?: Karaoke

Uses equalization to eliminate part of a band, usually targeting vocals

Optional lowPass

lowPass?: LowPass

Higher frequencies get suppressed, while lower frequencies pass through this filter, thus the name low pass


Optional rotation

rotation?: Rotation

Rotates the sound around the stereo channels/user headphones aka Audio Panning

Optional timescale

timescale?: TimeScale

Changes the speed, pitch, and rate. All default to 1

Optional tremolo

tremolo?: Tremolo

Uses amplification to create a shuddering effect, where the volume quickly oscillates

Optional vibrato

vibrato?: Vibrato

Similar to tremolo. While tremolo oscillates the volume, vibrato oscillates the pitch

Optional volume

volume?: number

The volume filter

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